Brave Little Baby

Brave Little Baby Services

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Are you wondering if we’re a perfect match? Which package is best for you, or do we cater to your specific needs? That is the purpose of this page 😉

Please make the subject line extremely specific if you want to brighten our day! You can expect a response within 48 hours from Monday to Friday

If you’re interested in collaborating, media enquires and blog opportunities send us a mail to

 Zanda & Lindi xo

"The form"

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Hey friend! In the meantime, we just wanted to say how brave you are for taking the first step toward better sleep, and how proud we are of you. Thank you for contacting us and including us in your story.

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Brave Little Baby Home
Struggling to find a routine? Select your child's age and download our guidelines.
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Witching hour getting you down? Let's help you find your calm with our newborn tips.
Brave Little Baby Home
COMING SOON! Toddlers are different species! Guide includes bedtime charts and reward cards.
Baby waking multiple times at night? Implement our 4 simple steps and start seeing the change!
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Welcome to Brave Little Baby. Have any questions about our services, products or courses?

We're here to help. Let's chat... 😀

Zanda, Lindi & Carla x